Elizabeth Brown: MIRAGE
(New World 80751)
Seahorse – theremin and Partch instruments
Arcana – flute and recorded sound
Piranesi – theremin and string quartet
Three Arias from A Bookmobile for Dreamers – theremin and recorded sound
Atlantis – theremin and amplified classical guitar played with slide bar
Mirage – shakuhachi and string quartet
Shinshōfūkei, or An Imagined Landscape
orchestra of traditional Japanese instruments.
Available on Bandcamp and all streaming platforms.

Blue Minor: Chamber Music by Elizabeth Brown
(Troy 627)
Blue Minor – flute and string quartet
Liguria – flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano
Acadia – flute and shakuhachi
Figures in a Landscape – violin, viola, cello, bass, and piano
The Memory Palace – flute, cello, and piano
Performed by Curt Macomber and Joanna Jenner, violin; Betty Hauck, viola; Gregory Hessellink and Joshua Gordon, cello; Dennis James, bass; Jo Ann Sternberg, clarinet; Susan Walters and Margaret Kampmeier, piano; and Elizabeth Brown, flute and shakuhachi.
Available from Albany Records and on streaming platforms.

Trio Getsuro: Music from Innisfree
Elizabeth Brown, shakuhachi
Issui Minegishi, ichigenkin
Ralph Samuelson, shakuhachi.
Aki Meguri Kite — Elizabeth Brown
Yakaika — Ishi Yamada
Jyun On — Robert Carl
Take No Tomo — Kakubo
Fuji — Issui Matsuzake
Hi Fu Mi Yo I Mu Na Ya Ko To — Issui Minegishi
Mabaroshi Ni Yosete — Shorotomo Aizawa
Sagari Ha No Kyoku — (traditional)
Stream | Purchase
More information about Trio Getsuro

(Innova 942)
Features Afterimage for shakuhachi and shamisen
Performed by Ralph Samuelson, shakuhachi and Yoko Hiraoka, shamisen
Other music by Henry Cowell, Teizo Matsumura, Richard Teitelbaum, and Bun-Ching Lam
Available from Innova, Apple Music and other platforms.

Flute Force: The Baths of Caracalla
The Baths of Caracalla – four alto flutes and recorded sound.
Available from Flute Force and on streaming platforms.

Bang on a Can Live, Vol. 2
(New World/CRI NWCR646)
Features Migration (in memory of Julie Farrell) for shakuhachi and strings
Performed by Elizabeth Brown, shakuhachi; Mayuki Fukuhara, violin; Sarah Clark, viola; and Ted Mook, cello
Available from Bandcamp and other streaming platforms.

NewBand: Dance of the Seven Veils
(Music and Arts 4931)
Features Archipelago for solo cello, flute/alto flute, Yamaha DXVII synthesizer, zoomoozophone, diamond marimba, and surrogate kithara
Available from Music and Arts and on streaming platforms.

Flute Force: Eyewitness
(Innova 556)
Features Travelogue for flute quartet
Available from Flute Force, Innova, and on streaming platforms